Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence :

    • Rémy Chrétien, Initiation à l'informatique (TP), 39h., L1, Université Paris 7, Paris, France

    • Hubert Comon-Lundh Logic and Computability, 42h., L3, ENS Cachan, France

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Programming, 42h., L3, ENS Cachan, France

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Logic and Computer Science (a.k.a., the lambda-calculus), 36h., L3, ENS Cachan and ENS Paris, France

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Internship reviews, 4h., L3, ENS Cachan, France

    • David Baelde, Logic and Computer Science, 24h., L3, ENS Cachan, France

    • David Baelde, Logic II, 22.5h., L3, ENS Cachan, France

    • David Baelde, Programming II, 22.5h., L3, ENS Cachan, France

    • David Baelde, Internship reviews, 3h., L3, ENS Cachan, France

  • Master :

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Cryptography, Cryptographic Protocols and Quantum Cryptography, Part 1/3, 3h., M1, Séminaire Regards Croisés Mathématiques-Physique, ENS Cachan, France

    • Stéphanie Delaune, Cryptography, Cryptographic Protocols and Quantum Cryptography, Part 2/3, 3h., M1, Séminaire Regards Croisés Mathématiques-Physique, ENS Cachan, France

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Advanced Complexity, 42h., M1, MPRI course 1-17, France

    • David Baelde, Software Engineering Project, 30h., M1, ENS Cachan, France

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Internship reviews, 4h., M1, ENS Cachan, France

    • Hubert Comon-Lundh, Internship reviews, 32h, M2 MPRI

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Internship reviews, 16h., M2, MPRI, France

    • Hubert Comon-Lundh Preparation option info agreg: logique, 24h, préparation à l'agrégation de Mathématiques, Jan-May 2012, ENS Cachan, France

    • Hubert Comon-Lundh, rehearsal of Computer Science Lessons, préparation à l'agrégation de Mathématiques, 18h., ENS Cachan, France

    • Hubert Comon-Lundh, Tree Automata, M1, MPRI, 22h

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, rehearsal of Computer Science Lessons, préparation à l'agrégation de Mathématiques, 18h., ENS Cachan, France


  • PhD in progress :

    • Rémy Chrétien, Trace equivalence for an unbounded number of sessions, Started Oct. 2012, supervised by Stéphanie Delaune and Véronique Cortier

    • Lucca Hirschi, Reduction techniques for equivalence-based properties, Started Sep. 2013, supervised by David Baelde and Stéphanie Delaune

    • Guillaume Scerri, Preuves abstraites de protocoles cryptographiques concrets, Started Oct. 2011, supervised by Hubert Comon-Lundh


  • PhD:

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, member of the jury: Rémi Bonnet, Decidability and Undecidability in Vector Addition Systems with one (or more !) Zero-Tests, ENS Cachan, January 22, 2013.

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, president of the jury: Song Fu, On Pushdown Systems Model Checking: Application to Malware Detection and Software Model-Checking, U. Paris Diderot, April 12, 2013.

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, president of the jury: Alexis Goyet, The λλ¯-calculus, A Dual Calculus for Unconstrained Strategies, U. Paris Diderot, December 11, 2013.

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, member of the jury: David Cadé, Implémentations de protocoles cryptographiques prouvées dans le modèle calculatoire, U. Paris Diderot, December 16, 2014.

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, member of the mid-term evaluation jury: Pablo Rauzy, SupTelecom Paris Tech, December 4, 2013.

  • HdR:

    • Hubert Comon-Lundh, president of the jury: Jérôme Leroux. Presburger Counter Machines, Bordeaux, Dec.6, 2012.

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, reviewer and member of the jury: Michele Pagani, Some Advances in Linear Logic, U. Paris Nord Villetaneuse, December 5, 2013.

    • Jean Goubault-Larrecq, reviewer and member of the jury: Michele Pagani, Some Advances in Linear Logic, U. Paris Nord Villetaneuse, December 5, 2013.